Take influence and impact to the next level
At The Disruptive Element, we bring a laser focus on human behavior, group dynamics and the make-or-break influence of our amazing brains. Because change (of any kind, at any level) is ultimately an inside job, we start with the individual. Yet the real magic happens when a team, group or cohort comes together to learn and grow together. Here’s a taste of what that can look like.
Even born leaders can use help taking their influence and impact to the next level. Our master coaches bring been-there-done-that perspective to ensure meaningful shifts for individuals and teams.
Coaching paired with learning or training increases productivity and sustainability by 60%
Coaching Improves
Self-confidence by
Communication skills by
Work-life balance by
Overall performance by
This is what is spent on leadership and development programs, yet companies and the people within them still struggle. The time is now to invest in coaching at all levels to raise the bar in new more effective ways at a fraction of the cost.
What we do
We’re on a mission to change the perception that coaching is only for “performance problems.” Take a look at professional athletes; they are surrounded by coaches who serve as their support, guide, advisor, cheerleader and mentor. Coaches are the people who help them uncover their potential and get to the top of their game! If we want to play to win in business, we deserve the same level of counsel and support. At The Disruptive Element, we bring our wealth of experience and brain-based coaching practices to help individuals (individually or in group settings) find the answers within them for greater impact and sustainability. Why leave untapped potential to chance?
What change sounds like
“I didn’t realize what real coaching was or what it could do for me. In the end, I was equipped to be more of the best part of me and had the tools I needed to keep it going”
Senior Leader, Be The Match
What we do
We disrupt patterns by taking people into a new space based on brain-science, where they can rediscover their elemental self and find their courageous edge as a group or team. Our programs integrate practical, real-life scenarios to learn, connect and apply first at an individual level and then at a group/team level. Participants feel like the program is designed just for them while experiencing the benefits of true community.
What change sounds like

of employees report a lack of collaboration
(Troop Messenger)
profit increase in organizations that focus on developing the strengths and collaboration of their employees
of employees don't feel engaged in the workplace which negatively impacts revenue and retention
Too often, ordinary “learning and development” programs fall short or fall flat. We’ve learned from experience how to create game-changing offerings that are meaningful to individuals AND impactful for the company. Let’s face it, so much of human behavior is auto pilot and unconscious. It is time to make an investment for your group or team in a powerful way to unleash individual capacity in a transformative and supportive group experience.
The impact of engaged employees
Interactive Speaking/Group Sessions
Progressive companies are driving extraordinary performance through practical, 90-minute interactive sessions that play equally well across groups with diverse backgrounds and focus.
Key Elements:
Each session runs 1.5-hours. Can be expanded for a more robust group session if desired.
Sessions will be interactive, engaging, and relevant
Lead by executive coaches with practical business leadership backgrounds.
Participants walk away tools and practical application of new methods to help them realize and move through change more effectively within themselves and their organization.
Provide a space for further connection / community.
Contact us for more information about a program for your group or team to help support and guide them to the next level.
“This program was very different. It was a combination of raising awareness and of what drives us. It gave us time to work on ourselves in a way that built a team. It has been the best investment I have ever made in my team”
Global Executive, Ameriprise Financial